Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Running Update

This past week of 2/13 – 19/2012 I logged 32.50 miles. I finally put in my longest run that I’ve ever done which was 14.5 miles. I’m not going to say that I ran the whole way, I can say that I walked no more than 2.5 miles. The run started off pretty good, the weather was a little cold and drizzling a little. The rain picked up really hard around mile 13 and that’s what really forced me to call it a day.

I went to the same park that I started running 2 years ago, it had been around 8 months since I've been back. I felt pretty good, I wished that I was a little more hydrated and had a snack, I wasn’t really planning on going that long. I guess that’s when your able to put in your best workouts when your not expecting it.

The route that I ran was in a loop, I got a good 8 or 9 miles at a decent pace until I decided to stop and get some water and some oranges that I had. My concentration was thrown off after that stop, I just felt that I needed to get a little something in my system to keep me going . Hopefully next time I can be better prepared with some type of running gels or something.

The next day I felt surprisingly well and I did get in a dumbbell workout and went out for a 5 mile recovery walk/jog.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave it in the comment section.

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